Sparkling Transitions From Renting to Owning Your Home

Over the last year leading up to August 2023, there was a 5.5% increase in the private rental prices paid by tenants in the UK, which is slightly higher than the 5.3% increase in the previous year leading up to July 2023. [1] The recent upswing in rental prices in the UK has become a notable concern, potentially steering individuals towards considering homeownership as a more viable long-term financial decision.

Like the glowing embers that dance in the November sky, many Britons aspire to move from renting to homeownership, which is dazzling with possibilities. 


The Current Landscape

Transitioning from renting to homeownership has been somewhat eased by initiatives from both the private sector and the government. Skipton Building Society introduced a 100% mortgage scheme in May 2023, exclusively for first-time buyers who have paid their rent in full and on time for at least 12 months. This initiative requires no deposit, offering a five-year fixed rate mortgage with the possibility of extending the term up to 35 years. Notably, the mortgage payments are designed to be no more than the average of the applicant’s last six months’ rental costs, providing a manageable transition for renters stepping into homeownership. [2] It is hoped that other lenders will follow suit.

Adding to the support for aspiring homeowners is the UK government’s temporary stamp duty relief. Effective from 23 September 2022 until 31 March 2025, this relief increases the residential nil-rate tax threshold from £125,000 to £250,000. For first-time buyers, the nil-rate threshold is temporarily increased from £300,000 to £425,000, and the maximum property value eligible for First Time Buyers’ Relief has been raised to £625,000 during the relief period. [3]

The stamp duty relief was introduced to support the housing market and associated employment sectors, by reducing the upfront costs of acquiring a home, and incentivising more individuals to step onto the property ladder. 

Both the Skipton Building Society’s 100% mortgage scheme and the temporary stamp duty relief are significant strides towards reducing financial barriers to homeownership. 


Financial Readiness

Before embarking on the journey of homeownership, it’s necessary to assess your financial readiness. This includes saving for a substantial deposit, which is the cornerstone of securing a favourable mortgage deal. The larger the deposit, the lower the Loan to Value (LTV) ratio, which can secure a lower interest rate. Although, as mentioned above, more products are coming to the market to help alleviate the need for hefty deposit savings, which can be tough when in the midst of rental commitments. 

Additionally, a good credit score is like the spark that can ignite favourable mortgage terms. Understanding your credit score and its implications on your mortgage prospects is paramount. Your credit score is essentially a numerical representation of your creditworthiness, which is determined by several factors, including your payment history, the amount of debt you have, the length of your credit history, the types of credit in use, and any recent applications for new credit.


Navigating Your Credit Score

Embarking on the journey to understand your credit score begins with requesting a report. In the UK, you can obtain a free credit report annually from one of the three major credit reference agencies: Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion. You can then dive into your report, scrutinising it for accuracy and ensuring there are no discrepancies, such as incorrect account information or signs of fraudulent activity.

Improving your credit score is like nurturing a fire; it requires attention and deliberate action. Ensuring timely payments on all your bills is essential, as late payments can significantly dent your score. Managing your credit card balances well by reducing them can also fan the flames of your credit score, lowering your credit utilisation rate. It is also recommended to avoid opening new credit accounts before applying for a mortgage, as this can temporarily lower your credit score. Any errors found on your credit report should be reported to the credit reference agency for correction. Lastly, maintaining your old credit accounts, even if rarely used, showcases a longer credit history, casting a favourable light on your creditworthiness.

By meticulously checking and improving your credit score, you’re not only bolstering your chances of securing a favourable mortgage deal, but also embarking on a path of financial self-awareness and empowerment. This forms a solid foundation for the transition from renting to homeownership.


Mortgage Selection

The mortgage market in the UK has various options. From fixed-rate, variable rate to tracker mortgages, the choices are as varied as the fireworks lighting up the November sky. It’s essential to consult a mortgage adviser to find the mortgage that aligns with your financial situation and long-term goals. 



Just as a well-organised firework display ensures safety measures, a prudent homeowner should ensure a safety net of insurance. Home insurance, life insurance, and income protection are fundamental components of a secure homeownership journey. They provide the peace of mind needed to enjoy the sparkling joy of your new abode.


Home Insurance

Home insurance is essential, as it protects your investment from unforeseen events like fire, theft, or natural disasters. It covers the cost of repairs or replacements, ensuring that your transition to homeownership is not disrupted by unexpected expenses. As a homeowner, having an insurance policy that covers both your building and its contents provides a solid foundation for financial security.


Life Insurance

Transitioning to homeownership often comes with long-term financial commitments, like a mortgage. Life insurance is important, as it can cover mortgage payments in the event of your death, ensuring that your family can retain ownership of the home. It’s about safeguarding your loved ones from financial strain during challenging times, making the homeownership journey more secure and less fraught with worry.


Income Protection Insurance

Income protection insurance is recommended, especially when transitioning from a rental situation to homeownership. It provides a financial cushion by replacing a portion of your income if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury. This insurance ensures you can continue to meet your mortgage payments and other financial obligations, even when facing health challenges, making the homeownership journey less precarious.

Each of these insurance types plays a crucial role in mitigating risks associated with homeownership, ensuring that your transition from renting to owning is as smooth and worry-free as possible.




Just as Guy Fawkes night symbolises triumph, transitioning from renting to homeownership signifies a personal triumph of your own, stepping towards financial independence and security. With the right preparation and advice, the journey from renting to owning your home can also be a sparkling transition worth celebrating.




Status Mortgage Services is a trading style of Status Financial Services Limited (Company number 08983516) which is an appointed representative of the Openwork Partnership, a trading style of Openwork Limited which his authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Approved by The Openwork Partnership on 07/11/23


[1] Office for National Statistics – Index of Private Housing Rental Prices, UK: August 2023

[2] Skipton Building Society – Skipton breaks trapped rental cycle, launching the UK’s first 100% LTV Mortgage exclusively for renters

[3] Gov.UK – Stamp Duty Land Tax — temporary increase to thresholds